01380 840819
Architecture Planning & Technical Design

Recreation landscapes present exciting opportunities within parks and estates, quiet lanes, tracks and sports fields. Our landscape architecture design is about establishing the right relationships between buildings and creating the public realm that surrounds and links them.
It could be that you require a striking cycle hub to sit within an urban park or a sympathetic shelter for a country club or a complex building solution for your sports club. We carefully consider the site constraints and convert them into possibilities, endeavouring to maximise the site potential.
Whatever the location we are adept at producing a solution to meet the stakeholder needs and client budget, and we provide a collaborative design process between the design team, client and other relevant authorities to ensure that the design outcome is personalised and connected to its surroundings.
New Smallholding Residence Design & Project Management (WiP)


Fabrication of H-B Designed elements

Screed and floor services

Starting in late 2021, we asked to collaborate with a local architectural practice and add some va-va-voom to the design thinking for a new residence on land with an agricultural tie.
With particular agricultural tie constraints, local planning decisions were approved in 2018. The dwelling design was not in a practical location on the plot. In addition, the dwelling was designed with a complicated roof structure that posed probable build complications. Since the original planning approval, the proposed materials have been superseded by improved sustainable options and therefore, the build materials needed revisiting.
In 2021 the local architects proposed new application was rejected for not fulfilling the agricultural need and being contrary to the Core Policy 48 of the Wiltshire Core Strategy (2015) and Paragraph 80 of the National Planning Policy Framework (2021).
The decision was then made to proceed with the existing approved planning but with some minor amendments to facilitate the build. H-B Designs are the lead Architect and Project Management team on the project.
Taking heed of the Agricultural Tie and recent planning refusal, H-B Designs worked with a specialist team to ensure all future planning applications for the site would proceed unhindered. Due to the 2018 planning approval, pre-commencement conditions 3, 4, 6, and 7 placed on the dwelling had to be discharged expediently with groundbreaking in October 2021.
The detailed designs for the dwelling, specialist consultant's reports and actions and straight-forward Design and Access statement submitted for Variation of Condition no.s 2 & 10 relating to amendments to exterior finishes, roof construction, fenestration and doors were approved.
This project is a work in progress with the H-B Designs Team responsible for the complete Architectural design, detailed designs for structural wall panels, roof and roof light, and interior specifications, including the kitchen, bathrooms and all surface finishes.
Kew Gardens Cycle Hub Design for Richmond and Wandsworth Council


Richmond and Wandsworth Council asked H-B Designs to consult and design for a proposed cycle hub to replace the existing cycle parking facility located opposite on land at the south-western end of Kew Gradens Brentford Gate car park.
The proposed cycle hub itself is a small-scale open structure with a footprint of 126m sq. (5.134m wide x 24.559m long). The base will comprise a concrete ring pad foundation with 14 no. vertical columns that support a two-part off-set butterfly roof. It will be open on all
four sides, with low level timber screening surrounding the interior cycle stands.
We worked to ensure that the benefits of the cycle hub proposals are entirely aligned with the Mayor of London’s sustainability, health and environmental aims with regard to Good Growth. Whilst the cycle hub proposals, due to the proposed location within Metropolotan Open Land, are deemed to be ‘inappropriate development’, they offer significant benefits in respect of the Metropolitan Open Land that we believe should be considered as ‘very special circumstances’, namely:
• The delivery of a secure, covered, sympathetically and sustainably designed cycle parking facility that facilitates the use of a highly sustainable means of transport for journeys to and from the Royal Botanic Gardens and within the Borough and improves users transport choices;
• The provision of an additional 100 bicycle parking spaces at The Royal Botanic Gardens for use by both staff and visitors;
• The loss of eight car parking spaces, marginally reducing the number of spaces available on-site for car borne journeys;
• The ability to re-site and re-align the existing disabled parking spaces in order to bring them up to current accessibility standards;
• The ability to re-configure the turning circle of cars at the southern end of the car park in order to improve accessibility and reduce risk for cyclists, car users and disabled drivers;
• The provision of alternative transport parking facilities to compensate for the loss of nearby on-street vehicular parking;
• The encouragement of a reduction in single-occupancy car journeys;
• The accrued physical and mental health benefits of both reducing car borne journeys and enabling a more sustainable and active means of journey-mode to the Royal Botanic Gardens;
• The accrued environmental benefits of reducing car borne journeys, including a reduction in air pollution, congestion and noise, particularly with regard to providing a benefit for local residents;
• The removal of the existing cycle parking facility adjacent the Thames path which is a visually intrusive structure when viewed from the opposite bank of the River Thames;
• The proposals support Kew’s aims with regard to preserving the World Heritage Site and will be a contributor to their 2030 climate positive sustainability commitment;
• The proposals respond positively to the London Borough of Richmond’s Climate Change Emergency Strategy; The proposals are fully aligned with the Mayor of London’s 2021 Plan to promote and facilitate Good Growth.
The proposed cycle hub will have little visual impact on the Metropolitan Open Land and cause little detriment to its openness, though it will deliver positive environmental and health benefits associated with a mode of active travel.
The majority of funding for the project is covered by the Richmond and Wandsworth Council, with part funding from Kew Gardens. The project is on hold at pre planning stage.
Super Cycle Hub for Richmond Station

Stage 2 Report visual

Cycle Hub floor layout plans

Stage 2 Report visual

Stage 2 Report visual
We were appointed by Richmond and Wandsworth Borough Council to provide condition evaluation, programming and concept design services to develop the long-term strategy for repurposing the Richmond Station Car Park and establish the basis of the fund development required to support the Project.
The overall project aim is to create a cycle super hub that will address best practice in the provision of mass cycle parking facilities and also aims to achieve a high level of architectural aesthetic that draws the existing localised parked bicycles to one safe, secure location in the station car park.
The design team produced design concepts and a strategic brief for the proposed project and undertook the appropriate design & specification works to Stage 2 for the new cycle super hub at Richmond Station Car Park, Kew Road including facilitating the necessary investigations and studies to support the future planning application & building control for the re-development.
The Project Brief
Improved cycle and user security arrangements
All-inclusive bicycle parking mix Security entrance doors with a smart card (or similar) door entry system
Lighting & 360 degrees CCTV cameras within the hub and externally to the hub
Customer Information Screens with real-time train/station information
Security information screens at the entrance to the hub
Cycle repair stands, maintenance tools & pump
Passive provision for future electric bicycle charging points
Passive provision for vending machines for the possible supply of cycle repair equipment/parts or consumables
Consideration will be given to providing an electronic numbering system to identify cycle spaces available and to monitor the use of each cycle parking space
Signage for emergency, wayfinding, parking space identifiers and security
Minimal change to existing car parking spaces quantities, minimal loss of current site revenues
Low maintenance/operational costs
Consideration for improving the bin store and access for deliveries
The maximum amount of cycle parking in as possible; 1000+ cycle parking units to be catered for
Funding dependent on-site start by November 2018
Loss of existing car parking spaces to be limited to x6
Relocate the existing advertising hoarding so as not to lose revenue
The project concluded with a report providing a concise package of information illustrating: the analysis of existing conditions, the planning and design process used, the evaluation of options and finally the recommended concept design approach to the redevelopment of the Richmond Station Car Park into a Sustainable Super Cycle Hub with prioritised cyclist and pedestrian transparent connectors collaboratively synchronising with the car parking facilities for immediate transition to the local station and high street infrastructure.
We worked as lead design team collaboratively with Steer Davies Gleave, Foddy Consult, Structural Solutions Ltd, Waterman Ltd, Design Cycle Associates Ltd and Point 2 Surveyors Limited.
Cycle-Centric Business Building Revival

Prologue Works external building project render

Prologue Works internal building project render

Cycle Hub Render

Prologue Works external building project render
Project title: Prologue Works, Marsh Street, Bristol
Client: Kennedy Wilson Europe
Completion date: 2018
Project summary
We were engaged by Kennedy Wilson Europe to design a Cycle-Centric refurbishment of an occupied office block which needed renovation in a replicable style over the 9 floor plates over a number of years.
Works include; forming new entrance and reception area, refurbish lift, lobbies, replacement of 2nr lifts with new, strip out and refurbishment of 5th floor office accommodation, strip out and formation of new male and female WC’s to 5th floor, refurbish ground floor disabled WC, Rainscreen cladding to South elevation, alterations to M&E, New AHU and associated ducting. Statutory controls and planning.
New state of the art cycle parking hub for 66 cyclists to include ACCP corporate individual secure cycle parking and kit drying lockers within a dedicated secure room within the basement car park. The design and detailing focuses on the Prologue Works brand and cycling theme and the emphasis on once well, sustainable materials has been at the heart of the design process resulting in an EPC improvement from E104 to B37.
Contemporary Temporary Cycle Hub

render for planning application

render for planning application

render for planning application

render for planning application
Project title: Contemporary Temporary Cycle Hub
Client: London Borough of Ealing
Completion date: contract cancelled
Project summary
H-B designed were awarded the bid for a temporary 100 bike cycle hub behind the Shankee at Haven Green in Ealing. The council was leasing ten car parking bays from U-Park (BBC) for a five year period and required a colourful and innovative solution for turnkey design and build new cycle hub.
The project needed to be maintenance-free and demountable yet includes high-security cycle parking, lighting, CCTV, a shelter, easy access and feature lighting. Within the new cycle parking area, the existing concrete surface is to remain in situ and act both as the wearing surface and fixing foundation.
The main structure is a hybrid UK sourced Douglas Fir and galvanised steel frame technology. The structural steel is featured at all connection points to provide ease of installation and allow for dismantling and reassembly in the future. The frames are braced with galvanised steel tie bars.
The proposed canopy is to be steel composite insulated panels for a number of reasons;
• To allow for less structural members in the roof of the frame
• To limit the wet and cold weather that falls on the hub
• To keep noise levels of rainfall to a minimum
• To withstand the pressures of the surrounding trees/leaf fall
• To visually correlate to the existing Transport Hub
• Secure fixation of ancillary items, e.g. lighting and CCTV
The roof has been divided into 2 sections with water collecting in the central gutter, which is then expelled by gravity onto the concrete slab and will utilise the existing runoff drainage facilities on the southern side of the car park area.
The open sides of the structure enable large amounts of natural daylight to enter the hub which will be enhanced with LED light panels throughout the structure. surface and as the global mounting point for the new infrastructure.
Ealing Broadway Cycle Hub Design and Planning Project

The starting point of the design

planning drawings

The starting point of the design
Project Title: Ealing Broadway Cycle Hub
Client: London Borough of Ealing
Completion date: August 2012
Awards: Winner National Cycle Rail Awards 2012 & Shortlisted London Planning Awards 2013
Project summary
We were approached to conceive, and project manage a new permanent yet re-locatable cycle hub that would reduce crime and increase cyclist use. It included the design of a new cabman’s shelter and associated infrastructure.
Working with multiple stakeholder groups such as English Heritage, Friends of Haven Green & Ealing Civic Society, Network Rail and the London Taxi Drivers Association, we have increased the cycle parking provision by 89% and designed low maintenance, eco shelters to include CCTV coverage and smart illumination.
The hybrid timber and Steel structures echo the late Victorian early Edwardian architecture language of the site and were designed to have as few as possible supporting posts to allow clear, unobstructed views through to the green.
Due to the city centre location of the site, the majority of the components were designed to be fabricated off-site to reduce site congestion and ensure site safety. This included and bespoke precast foundations for both the structures and the cycle parking system which were designed to negate interference with the protected tree root systems and existing underground services.
The success of the system is proven by the reduction in cycle crime in the area by *20% in the first year after launching, in contrast to a rise of 81% in the rest of the borough in the same period. *Met Police
North Acton Cycle Hub Design & Planning Consultations

Render showing Cloak shelters and Cycle-street units

drawing detail

Colour section shows the final proposal on the whole site and interaction with the Station Square project

Render showing Cloak shelters and Cycle-street units
Project title: Noth Acton Station Cycle Hub
Client: London Borough of Ealing
Completion date: 2013 -2015
Project summary
Version #1 > In the first instance we were approached to design a new cycle hub that would improve the provision of cycle parking at this busy and growing station. Increasing capacity from 15 to 64 covered secure cycle parking spaces. Typical to many cycle hub locations the site for the proposed new cycle park was complicated to access and necessitated approvals from many stakeholders including LU & TfL. We were engaged to submit proposals and then proceed to complete the planning application and specification to tender stage. Due to the complexities of this sensitive project, a specialised approach was required. We worked closely with various stakeholders, leading to an additional design proposal, two separate planning approvals and the coordination of various disciplines to ensure a successful outcome that aligned with future development plans for the area.
Version #2 > When the Crossrail plans were announced, the previous planning approval #1 was set aside and a temporary cycle hub design created to service the station whilst other associated projects were completed. This design had to be installed with minimal civils works and be totally demountable.
Version #3 > Following lease negotiation, alternative land on the site became available to convert into a larger hub with space for 48 cycles and a Brompton Dock. Enabling works pending on the adjoining Station Square project were in stasis allowing fantastic site access and lifting previous design constraints. The buildings were designed to be traditional looking with hybrid steel and timber construction above a SUDS compliant landscaped area. The project now involves complex civils works and retaining boundary walls.