This remark once uttered by a well known politician/statesman some years ago, may well be relevant enough to evoke, annoy, inspire and challenge our 21st century social conscience.

In rationalising our current attitudes toward the mobility and relative freedom and choice presently available, and the demanding nature associated with transporting people, goods and services for the mutual benefit of everyone throughout the UK, the internet is now regarded as indispensable to co-ordinating our learning, knowledge and decision making.
Therefore, to meet the needs of an outwardly mobile modern society, to argue that all you need to do is to jump on a bike, is to over simplify what is now a very complex transport business.
The www, as you know beacuse you are here, now! Has become an essential everyday tool allowing communication of ideas, projects, opportunities and business, which stimulates our economy starting with the individual on through to groups and professional organisations -including local & national government departments.
The team at HB Designs is in the business of providing sustainable, high quality secure infrastructure for the benefit of the cyclist and walker. Are you someone who is seriously interested in cost efficient, environmentally suitable cycle parking and storage specifically designed to meet the criteria demanded by a diverse and expanding society, if so read on.
It is essential to seek ways and means of resourcing quality cycle parking and storage to meet the demands of your facilities managers and clients. If you need professional advice to create the best quality cost effective cycle centric place please do pedal our way to discuss your queries and specific requirements with us.